Want to know how you rate on the SMRI pendulum?

Take ourSMRI SUV Rating Snap Shot for a quick read on how
demanding you are when it comes to service.

Click Here to See the Press Release about this Tool.

  1. What percent of your decision to purchase a product is based on value?
  2. %

  3. When I return to a business to purchase a product a second time, what percent of that decision to "purchase again" was based on service?
  4. %

  5. How frequently have you complained to a manager about poor service in the past year?
  6. 0 times
    1 time
    2 times
    3+ times

  7. Name 3 types of businesses that you feel provide the best service levels:

  8. What about the service levels in your above choices, makes their service tops in your book?

  9. What three types of businesses provide the worst level of service?

  10. What about the service levels at the above establishments, make them your least preferred choice?

  11. Choose the three best words you use to describe great guest service:

  12. Choose the three best words you use to describe poor guest service:

  13. When I receive great service do I feel I am receiving greater value for my investment?
  14. Very Strongly Agree
    Strongly Agree
    Strongly Disagree

  15. I am likely to switch to a competitor selling a "like" product because the service is better.
  16. Very Strongly Agree
    Strongly Agree
    Strongly Disagree

  17. Do you think customer service in your community is:
  18. Getting Better
    Getting Worse
    About the Same

Thank you for participating in the SMRI SUV Index.
Press continue to see where you rank on the SUV Scale.



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