"SMRI responds to Changing Market Demands"
Kathleen Davis, Ph.D, Executive Director SMRI.

As we continue to grow and improve the scope of services we, as a Company offer to assure the success of our clients in the industry…you too in the industry must continue to meet and improve conditions that assure total satisfaction and entertainment value of your guests. If the final outcome is a safer, hence a greater entertainment opportunity provided your guests, then the "silver lining" theory is correct and we all win.

In that light, it is ever important that you simply ask several question at this juncture:

How is YOUR Facility/Venue best responding to the changes in the future-current marketplace?

How safe do your patrons perceive your facility/venue environment to be?
If you have made changes to security recently, have they noticed? Does this give them the security features they deem important to their entertainment experience?
Is their such a thing as too much security? What is the inferential security balance necessary at your venue?

Is security the most important aspect of the entertainment experience presently or how is this issue addressed in the current service delivery systems at your venue?

SMRI has been assessing market demand features for over a decade. We continually assist venues in their pursuit of "market driven" strategies through our:

~ Secret Shopper Programs;
~ Onsite, Telephone, Online, & Direct Mail Survey Execution Strategies;
~ Market, Cost-Benefit Analysis;
~ Feasibility Studies.

You don't have to be undecided about what your market demands in these ever-changing times. The answers are loud and clear…YOUR marketplace will TELL you how they feel about overall operations at YOUR facility or venue.

People are talking. Are you willing to listen?
SMRI is "hear " to help. Find out how to contact us.

Our best to all of you. This is clearly a time when "raising the bar" in service excellence was really good...good for all of us.

- Kathleen Davis



SMRI Corporate Office
6965 El Camino Real
Suite 105-228
Carlsbad, CA 92009
858.779.9291 (O)
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